I’m Jakob Koch currently living the adventurous live of a PhD student.
I started by academic education in 2012 when I started studying chemistry at the University of Innsbruck. With my bachelor thesis at the institute of physical chemistry I obtained my bachelors degree and continued with the chemistry masters program.
When looking for the right lab to do my thesis in 2017 I was referred to Dr. Keller at the Medical University of Innsbruck, Institute of Human Genetics. There I did my masters thesis which focused on
the analytical and bioinformatic challenges of characterizing major monomeric phospholipid classes in complex samples
I was very grateful that I could continue working in the already familiar and very empowering research environment for my PhD, which I started at the beginning of 2019.
Now some years in, a lot has changed and a lot is still the same, but work hasn’t lost it’s fascination. Which for me consists of instrumental optimizations, data analysis , student mentoring and soo much more cool stuff 😄
The group of Dr. Markus A. Keller